Unexplored Territory Ep. 045 | The Value of VMUG

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Unexplored Territory Ep. 045 | The Value of VMUG

In #045, the team jumps into the value of joining the VMware User Group ( @myvmug ) with @pduggal2018 @erickubla @Joris_Adriaanse and @vGonzilla Listen now šŸŽ§

VMware Social Media Advocacy

About wmichel

Cloud Architect, NetApp A-Team, vExpert, VMUG Leader, AWS-SAA, TOGAF, ITIL, CISSP, USMC, Mariachi, Gaucho-Texano & Dad A seasoned architect and technologist at heart that loves innovation and playing with cloud computing, data center virtualization, operating systems, and information security.
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